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May 4, 2018
Enjoy the Journey (#10 of 10 Principles)
Is it possible to enjoy the journey? We’ve all heard the horror stories—budget over runs, delays due to poor planning, small details...

Apr 11, 2018
Information sharing (#9 of 10 Principles)
We like to integrate project management technology with the project process for our clients. This way they can be aware of what is going...

Feb 5, 2018
The Need for Speed (#8 of 10 Principles)
Can you fast track construction? Is it safe? The project Team is in place. The design was adjusted to pricing reality. Owner has agreed...

Jan 30, 2018
Project Reality Check (#7 of 10 Principles)
Reality Check Successful projects need a reality check before finalizing the construction package. The best time for this reality check...

Jan 28, 2018
Project Stewardship (#5 of 10 Principles)
What does “project stewardship” mean? Sometimes project stewardship is literal; like when we were recently commissioned for our 5th...

Jan 26, 2018
Planning for Change (#4 of 10 Principles)
Change will happen; let’s plan for it. Plan to anticipate change As architects how can we anticipate long-term change of a private house...

Jan 25, 2018
Design Consciousness (#3 of 10 Principles)
What is wrong with this picture? Design Consciousness? Why do certain building, streets, and places feel right, while some feel terribly...

Jan 24, 2018
Architectural Project Budgeting For Viability (#2 of 10 Principles)
Does the project work? The second Jones Pierce principle to a fun client experience says all projects must be viable in order to proceed....

Jan 4, 2018
Listen First Then Design ( #1 of 10 Principles)
Listen First, Then Design What determines the design course heading for a particular project? Is it a memory of a favorite place, a...

Mar 15, 2011
Principle #9 – Owner Leverage
Preserving owner leverage as long as possible in the construction process.I love the quote from President Reagan: “Trust but verify.” It...
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