Owning an older property has merit in low expenses, but likely has increased maintenance costs and marketing expenses. This is where Jones Pierce can assist the owner using our creative talent to enhance their investment. Creative thinking is what we bring to the table when tackling clever solutions for dull or aged properties.
Marketability: Branding
The marketing of existing commercial property to sell or lease is driven by curb appeal and the “brand” of the building. Potential buyers or leasing clients want a property to identify their company with and promote their brand. It is all part of that first impression we make upon approach. This is not as important to all businesses, but certainly to many who have clients visiting their facilities.

Midtown Bowl Before Image.
Midtown Bowl
One example was renovating a circa 1960’s Express Lanes bowling alley in Midtown Atlanta. The owners had originally purchased the property to redevelop it, but after assessing the current business, they decided to remodel the facility to improve the business. The existing facility was outdated and needed refreshing. The owners were planning to re- brand the bowling ally as part of the remodeling effort, which presented additional opportunities. One of the existing problems for this facility was that it sat down from the road and needed better street presence. Another problem was that the front door needed shelter from the rain as well as better solution for drainage.
The entrance to this long single story building was the obvious place to make a statement. After consulting with the client about the new brand, we proposed to go with a retro mid-century style solution that would establish an identifying look, but also allow us to create an architectural statement that would incorporate the signage. First, we had to remove the aged awning and the metal paneling along the top of the building.

After images of Midtown Bowl.
The result was a zoomy entry canopy and applied diamonds on the building with exterior floods up-lighting the walls to achieve a retro 1950’s feeling. The architecture and signage fuse together to project the futuristic and fun nature of that era and create a definitive brand for the new name. The entrance storefront was recessed a couple of feet and a new concrete entry stoop with an ADA approved access apron was poured to help mitigate keeping storm water from running directly into the building.

Jones Pierce partnered with Whyte Kerner Environmental Graphics to help develop the new signage.
Property Potential increasing Business
The clientele reaction was so favorable that the owners remodeled interiors as well, keeping with the retro theme. Jones Pierce delivered a clever solution for relatively minimal cost that produced a big bang and lasting identity. Now, the bowling alley is thriving and is constantly booked with leagues during the week and birthday parties on the weekends. This declining bowling alley has been rescued and is, once again, a place for family entertainment.
Cooper Pierce, Principal at Jones Pierce Inc. An Atlanta based Architectural firm specializing in commercial renovations and custom home design. www.jonespierce.com
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