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Highlands, NC


Escape, Studio Jones, Custom Homes

Development Type

6,600 SF

Project Size

Castle Black


Studio Jones

How do you design a house on steeply sloped property accessible only from the bottom of the site? You figure out how far up a hairpin curve will let a car climb to the entry court at a reasonable slope.

Our breakthrough moment was understanding how to fit the house to the slope. We had to create a garage structure reminiscent of the stone tunnels found in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park!

The house is a small footprint, 4-story, upside-down house, with an elevator, and living space on the top level with an iconic mountain view. The house is designed to withstand the rainforest climate of Highlands, NC, with a 5-foot overhang, bark siding, and superb stonework.

Castle Black
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